I graduated from Massey University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Design, specialising in Interactive Media. Throughout my time at Massey my interest in interactive media grew. In my final year I took on the task of building my own multi- touch table as I was interested in the technology behind such devices as well as the design side. My final project combined 3 different types of interactive design – a touch screen kiosk, an interactive street sign and a mobile app. These mediums pushed my skills at the time and it was really exciting. I enjoyed working right through the project from the researching and planning right through to the creative design stage.

I have a passion for UI and UX design and I would love to further myself in this field. I get excited about all of the new technology that is constantly released and I would love to be in a job where I get to enjoy creating and seeing the reaction of the end user interacting with the final product.

If you would like to talk further then please feel free to contact me on 027 353 6092 or by email at [email protected].